Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Excuses, Excuses

Or: why we haven't posted in almost three months.
  1. We moved: out of a house, out of a condo, out of my mom's house, out of a warehouse, into a house.
  2. The heat. It was really hot this summer. We got kind of depressed about that.
  3. Our computer was homeless for a while. It lived in a box.
  4. Lack of sleep.
  5. Not enough shut-eye.
  6. And finally: an extremely wakeful baby whose frequent night-time feasts left me unmotivated, unproductive, and eventually distraught.
It's no coincidence that I'm updating this blog only after Natalie has, against her wishes and not according to her baby plans, started sleeping through the night (sort of, most nights). This involved the reading, by me, of a book called Solve Your Child's Sleep Problems, the same book I read and put into practice when Megan was eight months old.

So yeah, I bought that book twice. But it worked. At least, mostly. (I just now had to go in and pat her little bottom back to sleep, same as I did last night. Clearly, I need to reread some chapters.)

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